Insurers‘ contractual obligations in case of fraudulent claims
In a recent decision, the Federal Supreme Court considered whether insurers are bound to contracts if an insured party submits a fraudulent claim (Decision 4A_20/2018 of 29 May 2018).
Right of recourse in insurance law
Right of recourse in insurance law: end of Gini/Durlemann practice. The Supreme Court recently abandoned its long-standing practice of restricting recourse under the Gini/Durlemann doctrine, which was first adopted in 1954.
Die Abnahme- und Vergütungspflicht nach Art. 15 EnG
Am 1. Januar 2018 trat das Energiegesetz (EnG) und die dazu gehörenden neuen bzw. geänderten Verordnungen in Kraft.
Supreme Court: scope of full and final settlement clause in insurance matters
Supreme Court: scope of full and final settlement clause in insurance matters. The Supreme Court recently dealt with the scope of a full and final settlement clause in an insurance matter (A_23/2107, December 21 2017).
The Tax Law Perspective in Cryptocurrencies
The development and use of blockchain technology has been so increasingly dynamic that it is difficult to predict future trends from a tax law perspective.
Blockchains, Smart Contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and the Law: Perspectives of a Distributed Future
The growth of Blockchain technology presents a number of legal questions for lawyers, regulators and industry participants alike. This book identifies the legal challenges posed by cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and other applications of Blockchain, questioning whether these challenges can be addressed within the current legal system, or whether significant changes are required.
Shareholders‘ agreements for closely held companies under Swiss law
Shareholders‘ agreements for closely held companies under Swiss law. Swiss company articles and organisational regulations do not legally bind shareholders to do more for a company beyond paying their share subscription price and notifying the company about shareholdings, related beneficial owners and direct or indirect share transfers
Baurecht kompakt Newsletter 10. November 2017
Begründung und Verkauf von Stockwerkeigentum
Is surveillance of insured parties lawful?
Is surveillance of insured parties lawful? In case of doubt regarding eligibility for benefits, insurers in Switzerland (particularly accident and disability insurers) have a long record of hiring investigators to conduct surveillance in order to prevent abuse and to adjust or reclaim benefits if the doubt proves founded.
Key Aspects of the Challenges of Tax Compliance Management
In an increasingly demanding tax and regulatory environment,
the introduction of new tax rules has created a wide range of complex requirements for financial
Best Practice: Teilnahme an einer öffentlichen Ausschreibung
Wer an einer Ausschreibung durch eine öffentliche Vergabestelle teilnimmt,
sollte die Ausschreibungsunterlagen frühzeitig und sorgfältig studieren. Ein besonderes
Augenmerk gilt den Eignungs- und Zuschlagskriterien sowie den einzuhaltenden
Sika Entscheid KG Zug, Schulthess Managerhandbuch 2017
Statutenauslegung im Übernahmekampf –
wer soll Sika kontrollieren? Schweizer Wurzeln und globale wirtschaftliche
Bedeutung der Sika-Gruppe