Markus Dörig

Dr. iur., Rechtsanwalt



Ausbildung und Erfahrung

  • Universitäten Zürich und Genf (lic. iur. 1984)
  • Auditor und a.o. Gerichtssekretär in Bezirksgericht (1984-1985)
  • Anwaltskanzlei Zürich (1985-1987)
  • Dr. iur. und Anwaltspatent (1987)
  • Foreign Associate in führender Anwaltskanzlei in Chicago (1988)
  • Rechtsanwalt in Wirtschaftsanwaltskanzlei in Zürich (1989-1993)
  • Partner bei Wirtschaftsanwaltskanzlei in Zürich (1993-1996)
  • Partner/ Gründungsmitglied Badertscher Rechtsanwälte AG seit 1996
  • Diverse Verwaltungsratsmandate in der Privatindustrie


  • Zürcher Anwaltsverband (ZAV)
  • Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband (SAV)
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Schweizerische Vereinigung für Steuerrecht
  • International Fiscal Association (IFA)
  • Center For International Legal Studies, Salzburg
  • International Law Office (ILO)
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Haftpflicht- und Versicherungsrecht (SGHVR)
  • Mitglied und aufgeführter Anwalt bei Who’s Who Legal


  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
  • Französisch


Right of recourse in insurance law

Right of recourse in insurance law

Right of recourse in insurance law: end of Gini/Durlemann practice. The Supreme Court recently abandoned its long-standing practice of restricting recourse under the Gini/Durlemann doctrine, which was first adopted in 1954.

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Is surveillance of insured parties lawful?

Is surveillance of insured parties lawful?

Is surveillance of insured parties lawful? In case of doubt regarding eligibility for benefits, insurers in Switzerland (particularly accident and disability insurers) have a long record of hiring investigators to conduct surveillance in order to prevent abuse and to adjust or reclaim benefits if the doubt proves founded.

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Partial revision of Federal Act on Insurance Contracts

Partial revision of Federal Act on Insurance Contracts

Partial revision of Federal Act on Insurance Contracts. In 2013 the Federal Parliament rejected a bill for a total revision of the Federal Act on Insurance Contracts, with an order to the Federal Council to elaborate a partial revision on selected subjects. The Federal Council drafted an amended bill and recently initiated consultation proceedings on the proposals.

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