Dr. iur., Rechtsanwalt
Ausbildung und Erfahrung
- Universitäten Zürich und Genf (lic. iur. 1984)
- Auditor und a.o. Gerichtssekretär in Bezirksgericht (1984-1985)
- Anwaltskanzlei Zürich (1985-1987)
- Dr. iur. und Anwaltspatent (1987)
- Foreign Associate in führender Anwaltskanzlei in Chicago (1988)
- Rechtsanwalt in Wirtschaftsanwaltskanzlei in Zürich (1989-1993)
- Partner bei Wirtschaftsanwaltskanzlei in Zürich (1993-1996)
- Partner/ Gründungsmitglied Badertscher Rechtsanwälte AG seit 1996
- Diverse Verwaltungsratsmandate in der Privatindustrie
- Zürcher Anwaltsverband (ZAV)
- Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband (SAV)
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- Schweizerische Vereinigung für Steuerrecht
- International Fiscal Association (IFA)
- Center For International Legal Studies, Salzburg
- International Law Office (ILO)
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Haftpflicht- und Versicherungsrecht (SGHVR)
- Mitglied und aufgeführter Anwalt bei Who’s Who Legal
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Französisch
New rules for asset managers of Swiss professional pension insurances
New rules for asset managers of Swiss professional pension insurances. An amendment to the Professional Pension Insurance Act came into force on January 1 2014. The revised provisions specify new requirements for the management of Swiss professional pension insurance assets.
Prescription period for paid sick day allowance clarified
Prescription period for paid sick day allowance clarified. In an extensive series of cases the Federal Supreme Court has laid out the rules regarding the applicable limitation periods in insurance law.
‚Fat cat‘ initiative revisited – government implements ordinanceIn
‚Fat cat‘ initiative revisited – government implements ordinanceIn. Spring 2013 Swiss voters approved the ‚fat cat‘ initiative by amending the Swiss Constitution (for further details please see „Voters say yes to ‚fat cat‘ initiative“). The federal government has adopted the respective implementing ordinance, which became effective on January 1 2014.
FINMA circular on market conduct rules extended to apply to insurers
FINMA circular on market conduct rules extended to apply to insurers. Following the entry into force of the new Swiss rules on insider dealing and manipulation in the revised Stock Exchange Act and the implementation of the Stock Exchange Ordinance on May 1 2013, the Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) conducted a consultation process for an amended circular.
Standard form contract available online constitutes valid prorogation of jurisdiction
Standard form contract available online constitutes valid prorogation of jurisdiction. On July 1 2013 the Federal Supreme Court(1) clarified that the Lugano Convention 2007 (on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters) offers the possibility to choose Switzerland as a neutral jurisdiction for companies domiciled in any of its member states (EU member states, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland), even if the companies are not domiciled in Switzerland.
Strict rules for disclosure of risk factors confirmed
Strict rules for disclosure of risk factors confirmed. In a recent decision the Federal Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of an insured individual who challenged the rescission of a private insurance contract for misrepresentation.